First of all ... I'm sorry. It's not that I didn't want to blog, I just got too busy to do it. Many of you are wondering... what happened? did she fit into her birthday dress? did she look hot in the Bahamas? How was her Summer? Well it's been a while so here is a quick overview:
1. I did fit into my birthday dress!

Yes! (P.S: I put on the flip flops at the end of the night. I had tons of fun and apparently so did everyone else (such as the dude on the car). Literally the last 3-4 days before the party I worked it OUT and just made it into my hot black number.
2. No I didn't look hot in the Bahamas because .. I didn't end up going. Broke up with the boyfriend week of my Birthday (yea, not fun) and then ended up canceling out trip. Everything happens for a reason and turns out i was better off in the long run : )
2. My Summer was great! I ended up going to VEGAS w my girls. Once I found out I was going to Vegas, I kicked into FULL P90X mode! Once I posted Vegas pics from Vegas - probably 10 people facebook'ed, emailed, text me to find out what I've been doing and how they can do it too. Check out the pics below.
So as Summer turned into fall i started to slack. I'll admit it. I didn't fall off the wagon but I'm hanging on w/ one arm (I'm about to fall pretty soon). I've made a huge decision to get back into work out mode and start again on Monday. I am departing from Puerto Rico on my cruise ship Christmas Day and am determined to look HOT! plus its best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So here I go again! : )